Benefits of Drinking Olive Oil for Health

Benefits of Drinking Olive Oil for Health

Benefits of Drinking Olive Oil for Health – Olive oil contains nutrients and protein that are very good for the health of the body. Olive oil will be more beneficial if it is drunk and consumed directly rather than used for cooking food. Following are some other benefits of olive oil

1. Meet the needs of good fats

Many people do not meet the body’s need for good fats, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids, from the food they eat. Olive oil contains both types of good fats.

Drinking olive oil is believed to help you meet the needs of monounsaturated fatty acids. This type of good fat is very good for heart health.

2. Relieves constipation

Drinking olive oil is believed to relieve constipation. In a 4-week study, 50 patients on hemodialysis took 1 teaspoon (4 ml) of olive oil. As a result, their constipation eases and produces softer stools.

Although the results of this research are promising, additional research is still needed to prove the relationship between drinking olive oil and reducing constipation symptoms.

3. Healthy heart

A study involving 7,447 respondents showed, drinking 4 teaspoons of olive oil every day, managed to reduce the risk of heart disease by 30%.

The benefits of drinking olive oil may come from its oleic acid content.

However, more research is still needed to prove that drinking olive oil can help you maintain a healthy heart.

Also Read :Benefits of Coconut Oil for Women’s Health

4. Stabilize blood sugar levels

A study involving 25 respondents showed a decrease in blood sugar levels as much as 22%, after eating foods containing olive oil.

5. Supports bone health

Research followed 523 women showed, consuming 18 grams or 20 ml of olive oil per day, can increase bone density.

6. Reduce inflammation

Some of the important components in olive oil, such as oleocanthal, have anti-inflammatory properties. That is why, olive oil is believed to have a pain-relieving effect, just like over-the-counter painkillers.

Despite the many benefits, do not immediately consume it without a doctor’s supervision. Because, there could be side effects that can harm your health.