Some Ingredients That can Replace Cooking Oil

Some Ingredients That can Replace Cooking Oil

Some Ingredients That can Replace Cooking Oil – Cooking oil is one of the important ingredients that must be owned at home. Its function is to fry, making cooking oil really needed by many people.

However, there are also several alternative ingredients that can be used to replace cooking oil, you know. Anything? Come on, try it.

1. Butter

It is no longer common knowledge that butter is widely used as an ingredient for frying. The nature of butter that melts easily is indeed very suitable for use in frying. In addition, the use of butter is also suitable for giving a more savory and salty taste.

2. Olive oil

Who doesn’t know olive oil? This type of oil is well known for its good quality and health. You can use olive oil as a substitute for vegetable oil if you want to get maximum benefits.

3. Sesame oil

Not only used as a cooking dish, sesame oil is also quite effective in frying, you know. You can also sauté various dishes using sesame oil as an ingredient. The effect is certainly healthier and more nutritious.

Also Read: 5 Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil

4. Coconut oil

It’s no secret that coconut oil is known as a type of oil that is healthy to use. You can use coconut oil as a substitute for vegetable oil. It is very suitable for consumption by those of you who are on a diet.

5. Corn oil

Not many people know that corn oil can actually help replace cooking oil, you know. Corn oil is also known to be healthy and has good properties. The results of frying or processing using vegetable oil are certainly no less delicious and appetizing.

It turns out that there are various kinds of oil that you can use to replace cooking oil. The result is maximum, delicious, and also healthy as long as its use is not excessive. Interested in replacing cooking oil at home?